
Senior Class November Newsletter 528.55 KB 31 downloads

Senior Class November Newsletter ...

Junior Class November Newsletter 473.37 KB 44 downloads

Junior Class November Newsletter ...

    Ennis Montessori School Enrolment Policy 158.11 KB 94 downloads

    Ennis Montessori School Enrolment Policy ...

    Ennis Montessori School Inclusion Policy 163.19 KB 35 downloads

    Ennis Montessori School Inclusion Policy ...

      The following policies are available in the office of the school for parents to view:

      • Managing positive behaviour policy
      • Collection and Drop off policy
      • School Collection policy
      • Complaints policy
      • Fire Safety and Evacuation policy
      • Infection Control policy
      • Administration of Medication policy
      • Accidents and Incidents policy
      • Car Parking policy
      • Child Development policy
      • Child Observation and Assessment policy
      • Child Protection policy
      • Confidentiality policy
      • Emergency Closure policy
      • Head Lice policy
      • Social Media and Multimedia policy
      • Nappy Changing policy
      • Record-Keeping policy
      • Sun Safety policy
      • Toileting and Intimate Care policy
      • Settling in policy

      These policies will be emailed to all parents upon confirmation of enrolment.